Saturday, June 22, 2013

Comment here to submit videos for June-July

Happy summer, vidders!!! I apologize for the wait on the reviews this past few weeks. I've had two close friends' weddings, two jobs, and a move under my belt. I just completely lost track of time. Thank y'all for your patience and for participating! I'm ready for the next batch!

Post a comment to submit your videos for a review! Scroll to the bottom of the page for rules and bylaws and what have you.

Please include the following information when submitting a video:
Vidder Name:
Video Name:
Link to the page that contains the video:
Brief description:

If you would like a picture included in the blog post that will contain your review, please indicate in the description that we may use the picture on your website to plug your video on this blog.

P.S. Tell your friends! Feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments as well! I'm feeling good about the new set up, and welcome any feedback that may help improve it!



REVIEW: Elena Gilbert † "It's all because of me"

Vidder name : bvcyrus
Video name : Elena Gilbert † "It's all because of me"
Link to the page that contains the video :
Brief description : Elena is suffering a lot and turns her humanity switch off. She goes crazy and only turns it on again, when her friend Matt dies. That's when she realizes that all her friends are in danger, because of her. It's all because of her!

Cec: You did a great job capturing the dark and complicated emotions that Elena went through during this story line. The high contrast on the clips adds to the dark feel of the video. Great smooth editing and nice subtle visual effects. You did a good job of using voice overs to help the unfamiliar understand the story, without letting the voice overs get distracting or overdone. Well done!


REVIEW -- Tainted Love

Vidder Name: Mazza
Video Name: AHS - Tainted Love
Link to the page that contains the video: S1 -
Brief description:Adultery, lust, murder and suicide to name just a few of the goings on in the murder house.... (Contains scenes of a violent and sexual nature not outside the content of the show American Horror Story)

Review: So, the second this started, I could not look away. The quick, sharp edits create a disoriented feeling in the best possible way. I think I was tense and nervous the whole of the video. Perfect song choice and perfect scene choices. The way you use the dark, purple tinted color pulls all the scenes together. Outstanding!! I love the parts where there is a quick burst of really quick cuts (I think there was a clip like that around 2:46.) Awesome!! So creepy!!!


REVIEW: Supernatural

Vidder Name: Tami Brandt
Video Name: Supernatural
Link to the page that contains the video:
Brief description: Dean/Castiel. Have you ever felt like someone is guiding and protecting you? Dean does, and his name is, Castiel. How does it feel? Simply supernatural.

Cec: This video is so fast-paced and high-energy. I love the editing and the scenes you chose. The feel of the video works well with the strong, driving beat of the music. This video definitely pulls you in and grabs your attention. You did such a great job with this!

REVIEW: Best Friends

Vidder Name: Valika
Video Name: Best Friends
Link to the page that contains the video:
Brief description: We'll be best friends for eternity !

How precious! This is such a fun video, and it definitely made me smile! The way you make the lyrics and scenes match up so well shows that you put a lot of thought into this video. Nicely done! Such a sweet little video. :)

REVIEW - Born to Kill

Vidder Name: Andrea
Video Name: Born to Kill
Link to the page that contains the video:
Brief description: Violence always came easy to Faith. But after showing no outward remorse at the killing of a human, she falls into the spiral of murder and evil. Song by the Matthew Good Band - Feel free to use the vid banner from the site for the review :)

Review: Great use of stills! That can be tough to do well, and you did a great job! The black and white and high contrast perfectly set the tone for this moody video. I love the way you cut back and forth from the clip of Faith falling onto the truck and the clip of her in the coma. This whole thing is so dark and edgy! Perfect for Faith's character and storyline. Loved how you switched to color in the last clip. Amazing work, as always!


REVIEW: Beneath Your Beautiful

Vidder Name: Mandje002

Video Name:Beneath Your Beautiful

Link to the page that contains the video:

Brief description:A romantic video about Tom & Sybil from Downton Abbey.

Review: I love the sepia tone and the quality of the images. It is a great fit for the old world feel of the show. The simple, clear music is lovely. You did a great job using clean editing and pretty visual effects to highlight some beautiful moments in a great story! Awesome work!!

REVIEW - The Game Has Changed

Vidder Name: Galadriel
Video Name: The game has changed
Link to the page that contains the video:
Brief description: The 4400 vid. The game has changed.

Review: This video is so creepy cool! I had chills the whole time. I love that you chose to go with an instrumental song. It was a perfect fit for the feel of the show and video and it kept the focus of the story. the editing is outstanding! So fast-paced, but never choppy or sloppy. My favorite part was the scene of the young man waking up the kid in a coma at the end. The visual effect plus the sound effect there. Oh man.... such a great video! Awesome work and thank you so much for sharing it with me!
