Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Comment here to submit videos from August-October

Welcome back, vidders! Thank you all for visiting and participating! I can't wait to see the next batch of videos!

Post a comment to submit your videos for a review! Scroll to the bottom of the page for rules and bylaws and what have you.

Please include the following information when submitting a video:
Vidder Name:
Video Name:
Link to the page that contains the video:
Brief description:

If you would like a picture included in the blog post that will contain your review, please indicate in the description that we may use the picture on your website to plug your video on this blog.

By the way, this is August, which means it is our anniversary month! We first opened the BBM Awards in August of 2004, which means we have been at this for NINE years. NINE! I was 16, and I'm 25 now. You guys have been with me through some pretty important life events, and I am so grateful for having an opportunity to enjoy all of your work for these many years! Thank you so much!



  1. Vidder Name: KitKat

    Video Name: Meat Pies

    Link to the page that contains the video: http://www.btvsfans.com/videos/lol/vidlol.html

    Brief description: Angelus and Drusilla are cooking up something evil in Sunnydale.

    1. Your review is posted. Thank you for participating and I'm sorry for the long wait!

  2. Vidder Name: Morgan

    Video Name: Surrender

    Link to the page that contains the video:

    Brief description: Will Kevin forever deny that he and Ambrosius are soulmates, or will he surrender? (Warning: adult content)

    1. Your review is posted. Thank you for your patience!

  3. Vidder Name: bvcyrus
    Video Name: Katherine Pierce • Maneater
    Link to the page that contains the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBe7qg9hCDk
    Brief description: Another Katherine Pierce video, because she's just the most amazing Maneater ever!

  4. Vidder Name: Valika
    Video Name: Feeling Good
    Link to the page that contains the video: http://mywebgate.yolasite.com/other-videos.php
    Brief description: We are not so different anyhow. Ceasar's journey.
    The source is Rise of the Planet of the Apes (movie).

    I would like the picture from the movie at the above site included in your review, if it's not a problem.

  5. Vidder Name: Galadriel
    Video Name: Paranoia?
    Link to the page that contains the video: http://galadrielshome.yolasite.com/paranoia.php
    Brief description: What happened with Patrick?

    1. Your review is posted! Thanks for your patience!

  6. Wonder if this thing is still alive :D
    Vidder Name: MariaPurt
    Video Name: Where My Sins Are Nailed
    Link to the page that contains the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur2Mp4jEAKg
    Brief description: A character study of the OUAT Evil Queen.
    I'm okay with u using the pic on the site :P

  7. Vidder Name: strawberrybisque
    Video Name: Hungry Like the Wolf
    Link to the page that contains the video: https://vimeo.com/76293396
    Brief description:A Teen Wolf multiple POV video that features a variety of mostly werewolf but some non-werewolf characters as well.

    1. Thanks for your patience! Your review is finally ready!

  8. Vidder Name: Holdt
    Video Name: I'll Lay You Down
    Link to the page that contains the video: http://www.holdtvids.com/apps/videos/videos/show/17450054-i-ll-lay-you-down
    Brief description: Stargate SG-1
    Pairing: Jack/Daniel
    Warnings: flashes, fast cuts, dubstep editing, NSFW
    Summary: When the wars are over, we'll find our piece of Heaven.

    Picture: http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz273/Ravenholdt1/Vid%20Caps/Holdt_IllLayYouDown_zps365b889a.jpg

  9. I haven't forgotten y'all! I am looking forward to sitting down with all these awesome looking vids in the next couple of days!


Please include the following information when submitting a video:
Vidder Name:
Video Name:
Link to the page that contains the video:
Brief description: