Vidder Name: strawberrybisque
Video Name: Stop and Stare
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Brief description: Detective Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) was involved in a car accident that killed his wife and son, or did it? Every time the detective goes to sleep he awakens to find one of the two is still alive. Is it either waking reality real, or is Michael going crazy? Only his psychologists (he has a different psychologist in each reality - an Asian male in one, and a Caucasian woman in the other) know about his problem. His co-workers have no idea what's going on with him and his alternate realities are causing him some trouble.
Review: You did a really good job of displaying this character's emotions through your scene choice and editing. The editing was very clean, and scene choices well-planned! I can tell you spent a lot of time considering how to best utilize the lyrics and rhythm of the song. Great job!
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