Tuesday, July 15, 2014

REVIEW: Knight of Wands

Vidder Name: Holdt
Video Name: Knight of Wands
Link to the page that contains the video: http://bit.ly/QttPHb
Brief description:
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairings: Daniel/Sha're, Daniel/Jack
Warnings: fast moving, beatwork & flashes, fun with metaphors
Summary: Daniel lives in a perpetual no-man's land of struggle and self-proof. Sometimes the fiercest battles happen without a ripple's warning. Jack refuses to let him fight alone.

Review: The way you use effects in this video is very cool! I like that you use similar effects in multiple places throughout the video. It really helps make the video feel unified. I love all the hectic cuts and effects. It's a perfect match for the emotional tone of the video! Great job!

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